In a dystopian world ruled by the tyrannical God-King, those who can't pay his tithe are sacrificed by his merciless priests. Thirteen-year-old orphan Kya is desperate to protect her disabled sister Syla from torture and death at their hands. With the tithing cull looming and no way to pay the deadly tithes, Kya faces a brutal choice: sell her body to the streets or risk everything as a thief in the desperate struggle to save Syla. Ruthless cut-throats, brutal pimps, and danger lurk in every shadow of the city of Jensel.
When a band of mysterious foreigners arrives, Kya must risk everything. Could they be the Star Lords, long thought to be gone forever? Or is this just another lethal threat in an already murderous world? Will she trust the strangers who offer her a chance at freedom, or will her battle to survive consume her first?
Return of the Star Lords is a stunning mix of dystopian drama, sci-fi fantasy, unforgettable characters, and the fierce love of family.
Fans of Brandon Sanderson, Suzanne Collins, or Raymond E. Feist will devour this tale of rebellion, sacrifice, and courage when hope is gone.